
Headers examples

Honey Victor

Honeypot Token Source Code

Hello, everyone! My name is Victor and I come from a poor family. My family and I lived on less than $50 a day. But I got out of poverty and now I am earning over $20000 every month thanks to Honeypot token. I created this blog so that everyone can replicate my success and become rich too!

Honeypot Token - can be bought and cannot be sold

This is where we will make our profit. Your task is to take my code, follow the instructions to create a contract in the BNB network and then convince someone to buy this token on PancakeSwap. Once someone buys your token, they will not be able to sell it and the money from their purchase will be yours!

  • Read the manual carefully.
  • Follow the steps according to the instructions.
  • Get Profit!

I'm not promising you easy money and other scam, which is a lot on the Internet now! I'm giving you a chance to use the same tool that made me rich. If you do now what I did before, make an effort to earn money, you will get the same result!