
Headers examples

Honey Victor

Step-by-step instructions on how to enable and disable the "honeypot" mode

By default, the "honeypot" mode is already activated in our contract.

This means that after the purchase, no one can sell your token.

The default selling commission is set to 100%.

If you want to disable the "honeypot" mode, you need to change the sale commission by setting it to 0

  1. We go to our contract page, click on "Connect to Web3" and then on "MetaMask"
  2. Click the "Connect" button
  3. Click on "setFees" set the value to 0 and press the "write" button. This way we will DISABLE the "honeypot" mode and remove the 100% commission from the sale of tokens.
  4. Click the "Confirm" button
  5. Now the "honeypot" mode is successfully DISABLED
  6. To ENABLE the "honeypot" mode you need to set the commission for sale "setFees" to 100